Parent Reporting of Student Absences
All notes for Attendance purposes should be written in ink.
- If the student attends Perris High School, call 951-657-2171 ext. 21123 to clear your student’s absence(s), or to speak with an attendance clerk between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm.
- Send a note, written in ink, with the student the first day he/she returns to school stating the student’s name, grade, date(s) absent and the reason for the absence.
- Perris High School receives funding only for students who are in class.
- Re-admits: Students without a re-admit are deemed truant until it is cleared up. Repeated issuance of duplicate re-admits will warrant disciplinary action.
- All absences must be cleared within 72 hours. Absences not cleared within this time period will remain truant. Absences not cleared by 11:00 am on the day of the absence will not be cleared until the following day. Home contact will be attempted for all absences through the automated calling system. If absences persist, home visits by school officials will take place.